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Paul Davis: Networking in 18th-century London, 17 March 2005

Aaron Hill: The Muses’ Projector 1685-1750 
by Christine Gerrard.
Oxford, 267 pp., £50, August 2003, 0 19 818388 7
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... trade of late. Cultural practices, reputations and voices that Pope reviled have been revalued. Christine Gerrard’s combative new biography of Aaron Hill is arguably the most boldly revisionist of the bunch. For rehabilitating Hill is, truly, an uphill task. He appears only briefly in The Dunciad, during the sewer-diving contest in Book Two, and Pope ...

Ruin it your own way

Susan Pedersen, 4 June 2020

Tastes of Honey: The Making of Shelagh Delaney and a Cultural Revolution 
by Selina Todd.
Chatto, 304 pp., £18.99, August 2019, 978 1 78474 082 5
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A Taste of Honey 
by Shelagh Delaney.
Methuen, 112 pp., £14.44, November 2019, 978 1 350 13495 9
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... and the teaching mediocre, but she became close friends with another confident young girl, Christine Hargreaves. Together they explored their town, Delaney making notes; they also joined the local theatre company, the Salford Players. After sixth form Hargreaves took up a scholarship to Rada and Delaney went to find work (her family needed the ...

Seventy Years in a Colourful Trade

Andrew O’Hagan: The Soho Alphabet, 16 July 2020

Tales from the Colony Room: Soho’s Lost Bohemia 
by Darren Coffield.
Unbound, 364 pp., £25, April 2020, 978 1 78352 816 5
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... have patrons, or, heaven forfend, members, but habitués. There were a few Chinese restaurants in Gerrard Street which had shebeens in the back. You had to drink and not fight – these were the only rules – and you could take cocaine off the tables. Cocaine pretends to be a party drug but it’s actually a social destroyer. I was never very into it. What ...

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